Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Safety Of Elderly Drivers - 1825 Words
â€Å"A 79-year-old Florida woman backed over seven pedestrians Sunday morning while backing out of a handicapped space in a church parking lot killing three people†(Baldacci). More and more accidents have been described in the media where an elderly driver had been driving and people passed away as a result of a car accident. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), elderly drivers have higher rates of fatal crashes, based on miles driven, than any other group except young drivers, the high death rate can be explained due to older peoples frail health- older people are less likely to survive an injury than younger people. Elderly driver’s accidents have started the discussion, how to prevent these accidents and the government has only come up with one solution- revoke elderly drivers driving license, which seems to be an extreme measurement. It is important, that accidents involved elderly drivers would be prevented. Aging is a natural process of all living beings, passing a certain age, many skills and abilities start to deteriorate, for example, vision, hearing and reaction time, which are important for drivers. However, many older people continue to drive despite having lost their motor skills, therefore, older drivers put other people and themselves at risk of being involved in an accident. In 2009, more than half of deaths in crashes involving drivers over age 65 were older drivers themselves, 12% percent were their passengers and 28% of theseShow MoreRelatedElderly Drivers On The Road939 Words  | 4 Pagesoutrageous or even a bit absurd. It could also be a fair comparison to the state of some of the elderly drivers on the road today. Elderly drivers should have additional requirements when renewing their driver’s licenses because statics show that elderly drivers are the cause of an increasing number of wrecks. 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This can cause a huge problem not only for the elderly drivers themselves, but for other people on the road too. As the body ages, reaction rate, hearing, and vision naturally decline which mak es an aging driver much more susceptible to driving accidents andRead MoreMotor Vehicle Safety Essays903 Words  | 4 PagesMotor Vehicle Safety Motor accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. In the year 2000 the National Highway Trafï ¬ c Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that around 41,000 people were killed in traffic accidents within the United States. This mortality rate has since dropped 25% from 2000 to 2009 (Rockett et al., 2012). There are many reasons for motor vehicle injuries, ranging from lack of seat belt use, elderly drivers, alcohol and young childrenRead MoreElderly Drivers684 Words  | 3 PagesElderly Drivers on the Road Elderly Drivers on the Road One thing that’s just as dangerous as a young and jittery, under-aged driver without any previous driving experience or perhaps even an intoxicated driver raging aggressively through numerous traffic lights is the thought of a vision impaired, elderly man or woman cruising nonchalantly through the wrong lane of traffic or driving 50 mph on a major highway. Due to the continuous trend of our older generation engaging in traffic accidentsRead MoreElderly Drivers1273 Words  | 6 Pagesfingers at young drivers in today’s world. A number of accidents are caused by teens though I believe a worse threat is starting to appear. This threat being elderly drivers over the age of 70. These elderly drivers could be considered dangerous due to their decline in sensory. With more elderly drivers increasing over the years, drivers everywhere could be in danger. Within the next 20 years the number of elderly drivers is expected to triple in the United States (Older Drivers). To comb at thisRead MoreElderly Driving Has Become An Epidemic1184 Words  | 5 Pagesfun. Within these millions, there are all types of drivers; aggressive, passive, new, experienced, and elderly to name a few. The elderly comprise of more than 40 million people age 65 and older in the United States and of those 40 million, 34 million are licensed drivers (NHTSA). Elderly driving has become an alarming subject throughout many communities in the United States as it concerns the safety and health of themselves as well as other drivers. One article shares, as 80-year-old Daniel was driving
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