Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Learn How to Conjugate Manquer (to Miss) in French
When you want to say missed or missing in French, youll use the verb manquer. However, to get that past or present tense, a conjugation is required and this lesson will show you how thats done. The Basic Conjugations of Manquer Manquer is a regular -er verb so it follows the conjugation pattern that most French verbs use. For instance, words like pratiquer (to practice) and rà ªver (to dream) use the same endings youll use for manquer. Studying a few of these at the same time makes each a little easier to remember. Once you know that the verb stem (or radical) for manquer is manqu-, you can add the appropriate endings. This first chart covers the indicative mood and the basic present, future, and imperfect past tenses. All you need to do is match the subject pronoun with the appropriate tense for your subject. This gives you results such as je manque for I am missing and nous manquions for we missed. Present Future Imperfect je manque manquerai manquais tu manques manqueras manquais il manque manquera manquait nous manquons manquerons manquions vous manquez manquerez manquiez ils manquent manqueront manquaient The Present Participle of Manquer For regular -er verbs, the present participle is formed with an -ant ending. This gives you the word manquant. Manquer in the Compound Past Tense The past tense can be either the imperfect or the passà © composà ©Ã‚ in French. For the latter, youll need the past participle manquà ©Ã‚ and the present tense conjugate of the auxiliary verb avoir. Forming this compound is quite simple. For example, I missed is jai manquà ©Ã‚ and we missed is nous avons manquà ©. More Simple Conjugations of Manquer Among the other basic conjugations you may need for manquer are the subjunctive and the conditional. The former is useful when you dont know if the act of missing will happen or not. The latter is for those times when the act is dependent on certain conditions. Though theyre used less frequently, it is still good to know the passà © simple and the imperfect subjunctive. These are literary tenses which youll encounter most often in written French, especially formal literature. Subjunctive Conditional Passà © Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je manque manquerais manquai manquasse tu manques manquerais manquas manquasses il manque manquerait manqua manquà ¢t nous manquions manquerions manquà ¢mes manquassions vous manquiez manqueriez manquà ¢tes manquassiez ils manquent manqueraient manquà ¨rent manquassent The French imperative gets right to the point and these assertive statements do not require the subject pronoun. Instead of tu manque, you can simply say manque. Imperative (tu) manque (nous) manquons (vous) manquez
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
The Safety Of Elderly Drivers - 1825 Words
â€Å"A 79-year-old Florida woman backed over seven pedestrians Sunday morning while backing out of a handicapped space in a church parking lot killing three people†(Baldacci). More and more accidents have been described in the media where an elderly driver had been driving and people passed away as a result of a car accident. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), elderly drivers have higher rates of fatal crashes, based on miles driven, than any other group except young drivers, the high death rate can be explained due to older peoples frail health- older people are less likely to survive an injury than younger people. Elderly driver’s accidents have started the discussion, how to prevent these accidents and the government has only come up with one solution- revoke elderly drivers driving license, which seems to be an extreme measurement. It is important, that accidents involved elderly drivers would be prevented. Aging is a natural process of all living beings, passing a certain age, many skills and abilities start to deteriorate, for example, vision, hearing and reaction time, which are important for drivers. However, many older people continue to drive despite having lost their motor skills, therefore, older drivers put other people and themselves at risk of being involved in an accident. In 2009, more than half of deaths in crashes involving drivers over age 65 were older drivers themselves, 12% percent were their passengers and 28% of theseShow MoreRelatedElderly Drivers On The Road939 Words  | 4 Pagesoutrageous or even a bit absurd. It could also be a fair comparison to the state of some of the elderly drivers on the road today. Elderly drivers should have additional requirements when renewing their driver’s licenses because statics show that elderly drivers are the cause of an increasing number of wrecks. Nevertheless, several arguments against additional requirements and testing for elderly drive rs exist. If additional testing and requirements would help save lives, in my opinion, there shouldRead MoreEssay on Elderly Drivers1416 Words  | 6 Pagesand into a cash register and employee†(Murphy). Sadly enough, instances like these are becoming more and more prevalent and require immediate action. It is imperative that a more comprehensive approach be taken when deciding the competence of elderly drivers. Laws must be put into action to mandate and administer testing and re-examining of the skills and eligibility of this group. Equally important, we must consider those who will no longer be able to drive, and ensure their transportation and occupationalRead MoreElderly Drivers Informational Essay1178 Words  | 5 Pagesthere is an extremely important issue that the public should understand more about due to its enormous impact on many citizens. This issue pertains to the safety concern surrounding the elderly while operating a motor vehicle past the age of 70 ye ars old. This debate whether old people should be allowed to drive is often brought up by younger drivers, the reality is that all able bodied people who are physically and mentally healthy should be able to drive but as we grow older it is inevitable thatRead MoreWhat Does Aging Doesn t Affect Driving Ability? Essay1485 Words  | 6 Pagesthere are many alternatives and solutions to keep people and the roads safe. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reports that, â€Å"while drivers age 60 and older are less likely that other drivers to be involved in collisions related to alcohol, speed, and nighttime driving, drivers age 70-79 have higher proportions of at-fault crashes†(Earley). Accidents involving older drivers are increasingly an issue as long as society fails to address the negative impact aging has on driving. BecauseRead MoreWhy The Elderly Should Not Drive Deals With Safely Concerns936 Words  | 4 Pagesdispute, especially the rights of th e elderly population to drive. It’s not an easy topic but individuals may treat the issue as a dichotomy. We all age, that’s a fact of life, but at what point do we start giving the rights we were born with up. The act of driving is not a simple task but requires the integral of all body systems coming together to perform the activity. It is important to take into consideration that by taking away the right to drive for elderly individuals, we hinder their capacityRead MoreSenior Citizens Driiving1577 Words  | 6 Pagescontinually increasing, there are more and more elderly drivers on the roads. In fact, the total annual miles older drivers traveled climbed twenty nine percent from 1995 to 2001 (â€Å"Should elderly†) and that number is probably even greater now. This can cause a huge problem not only for the elderly drivers themselves, but for other people on the road too. As the body ages, reaction rate, hearing, and vision naturally decline which mak es an aging driver much more susceptible to driving accidents andRead MoreMotor Vehicle Safety Essays903 Words  | 4 PagesMotor Vehicle Safety Motor accidents are one of the leading causes of unintentional injuries in the United States. In the year 2000 the National Highway Trafï ¬ c Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimated that around 41,000 people were killed in traffic accidents within the United States. This mortality rate has since dropped 25% from 2000 to 2009 (Rockett et al., 2012). There are many reasons for motor vehicle injuries, ranging from lack of seat belt use, elderly drivers, alcohol and young childrenRead MoreElderly Drivers684 Words  | 3 PagesElderly Drivers on the Road Elderly Drivers on the Road One thing that’s just as dangerous as a young and jittery, under-aged driver without any previous driving experience or perhaps even an intoxicated driver raging aggressively through numerous traffic lights is the thought of a vision impaired, elderly man or woman cruising nonchalantly through the wrong lane of traffic or driving 50 mph on a major highway. Due to the continuous trend of our older generation engaging in traffic accidentsRead MoreElderly Drivers1273 Words  | 6 Pagesfingers at young drivers in today’s world. A number of accidents are caused by teens though I believe a worse threat is starting to appear. This threat being elderly drivers over the age of 70. These elderly drivers could be considered dangerous due to their decline in sensory. With more elderly drivers increasing over the years, drivers everywhere could be in danger. Within the next 20 years the number of elderly drivers is expected to triple in the United States (Older Drivers). To comb at thisRead MoreElderly Driving Has Become An Epidemic1184 Words  | 5 Pagesfun. Within these millions, there are all types of drivers; aggressive, passive, new, experienced, and elderly to name a few. The elderly comprise of more than 40 million people age 65 and older in the United States and of those 40 million, 34 million are licensed drivers (NHTSA). Elderly driving has become an alarming subject throughout many communities in the United States as it concerns the safety and health of themselves as well as other drivers. One article shares, as 80-year-old Daniel was driving
Monday, December 9, 2019
Is Television a Bad Influence on Children free essay sample
It was hard for me to swallow the fact that I had to leave him because he was sick. Because he was incapable to be someone who can take care of me for the rest of my life. I knew what we had was an old-fashioned kind of love. We didnt meet up that often. I had always been so shy and reserved around him. I was uncertain about a lot of things when we were together. But one thing I was always sure of was, that he loved me. He talked about me to his friends, and even to his students. He bragged how lucky he was to have owned me as his. What I had in my mind was that this man right there, was destined for me. I had been through quite a heartbroken moment previously and he was the only one my heart could approve that very moment. We will write a custom essay sample on Is Television a Bad Influence on Children? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I never did say those three words to him. I dont know why. I thought it is proper just to keep going on with him and sooner or later, when he is legally mine, I can finally utter the sacred lines. My dad was the first person who asked me to break off my bond with him. I was close to my dad, and I had to take that as an obligation for me to obey. He said, my lover wouldnt last long and his cancer will worsen each passing day and he didnt want to see me end up as a widow, post-marriage. I know it sounded so inhumane, for him to say that. I was torn. It wasnt easy for me to ditch him and put an end to our long-term plan of marriage just because hes a bone cancer victim. I was stuck between my genuine feelings towards him and my familys demand. I cried every day thinking that not only I will lose him as my lover, but how soon he will leave this world, suffering from his illness. My cousins and my siblings were worried about me. They showed up at my house, trying to shake me back to reality that there is always a plenty of fishes in the sea. That Im still young and there are a couple of guys who will wait and treat me right. But I know it wouldnt be the same like how he meant to me. I struggled each second to make believe that I can make it through this hurdle of life. I told myself over and over again that he maybe wasnt meant for me. Because if he was, God will always find a way to help me spare with strengths to be with him again. I was powerless and I decided to leave the town and stay with my foster sister, away from home, away from his presence, away from my choking reality. I left him for good. I learnt to build myself again there. I found things to do to take my mind off my grief and sadness. I confided to God regularly just to know whether my decision was right. I believed that I was doing the right thing because God constantly helped me through along my ways of healing myself. My life was installed back like before even it took me quite a long time to recover. After almost one year and a half, I returned to my hometown for good. I got myself a job, and I was still single. I wasnt attracted to anyone ever since him. He was still there, surviving his remaining days. He stood little chance to heal. I felt sorry for him but there was no turning back because Ive made up my mind. I met a new guy through our mutual friends. He just moved in here for his duty and he was looking for someone he can be with as a life partner. I heard, he just broke off from his engagement too because his fiancee cheated on him and went for another man. Practically, we were both single and available, and I didnt hesitate to accept him walking into my life, because my friend here reassured me how a good man he is. It is about time for me to break out from all this heartbreak memories and start afresh with this new guy. Everything went well, and a couple of months before I wed him, my ex lover died of cancer. He was gone, and I felt a part of me was gone forever too with him. He knew that I had a new man in my arms, and he was devastated of course. To his dismay, he cant do anything because he knew there was nothing else he can offer for me. He cant even afford to take care of himself, let alone myself. I couldnt help shedding tears. I broke down for a while only to realize that I have to prepare myself for this new guy Im going to marry. To be truth, I didnt even have the chance to get to know him that well. I didnt even have any deep feelings towards him. I figured out maybe it was proper to explore more about him soon. Not long after that incident, I tied the knot with the new man. There were no objections, no depression, and no obstacles. Nobody disapproved our relationship, because it was an arranged marriage. Both of us, agreed to that and I got awkward when I first trying to adapt myself around him. He was a firm and ambitious man. Ive always been into funny guys but it was rather hard to see him cracking laughs with me. At times, thoughts scattered in my mind and I finally had the guts to ask him, Why did you marry me in the first place? We never really loved each other either. Â He smiled back to me and he said, Because a couple of months before I decided to take you as my wife, I prayed to God, asking whether youre the one for me. Ive already liked you the first time I set my eyes on you. I just needed to be fully sure that youre really meant for me, and not just because of some infatuation or mere attraction I asked further, Then, how do you know I am really meant for you? He really showed you, did He? He gave plenty of signs to me. I saw you. Your presence in my dreams. And whenever Im around you, event hough we havent really developed feelings for each other, you give me the serenity that Ive always yearned from a woman. How can I not be so sure that youre my destiny now? he answered convincingly. I went silent for a while. Hes right after all. Your favorite love, doesnt always have to be your destiny despite that what I had with my ex lover was real. He could be someone else that you never thought hed be. Somehow, someway, God has a better plan for me, and he was sent for me to prove that. And up until now, it has been 23 years we have been together and we are going stronger than ever. I love him more tha n every breath I could take and he really is a Godsend from above. Today, I told my daughter, Amirah Nadiah, this journey of mine. I saw her tears welling up when I ended up the whole story. I know shes irrevocably in love with her boyfriend and I do not know much things and the issues they are going through, but she has to know that love is love. It is not necessarily the same definition to destiny. Ive made it clear to her that destiny is not something she can mess up with and the amount of love she had given to him does not determine how long will they last. That doesnt mean she should not believe in this rocky relationship. Supposedly she has to urvive and fix the relationship but in the meantime, she has to have faith in His power. I want her to keep on praying to God so that she can see whats best for her. Maybe she forgets that the Almighty is the one who controls it all. Now that she knows, I hope she gets what is she supposed to do after doing so. This is a strictly true story and I wish she could learn something from this. May Allah guide and give her the signs she has been seeking for all this while a nd may she have her wishes granted. Amin. Premise: argument+
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Symbiotic Period Montessori Essay Example
Symbiotic Period Montessori Paper Symbiotic Period: The First 8 weeks of Life â€Å"The first weeks after birth have a special significance for the child’s development and are referred to as â€Å"symbiotic life†. The word symbiosis means â€Å"a life together†and it describes the special situation of two living beings who need each other because each of them gives and receives something absolutely necessary for the continuation and the quality of each of their lives. †– Understanding the Human Being ch. 3 The symbiotic period is a period of time which starts in conception and ends eight weeks after the childs birth. This paper will point out the importance of the prenatal life, and the care that the mother should have since she becomes aware of that pregnancy. She has to know that a lot has been going on by that developing human being, from the moment that egg was fertilized. It will also explain how the nervous system develops and starts creating memory from experiences from inside and outside womb environment. How the unicellular creature reaches the complexity of becoming a human being. It will also explain the different phases of evolution the human brain goes through, and how each of them contains special characteristics of the developing human personalities, and the interesting relationship between the child and the mother during pregnancy. This paper will also point out the phase of birth, and the separation and attachment that both the mother and the child face. How the mother becomes a point of reference from the old environment, (the womb) and how she will be able to help the child adapt to its new environment, the world, which will be the childs home for the rest of his life. We will write a custom essay sample on Symbiotic Period Montessori specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Symbiotic Period Montessori specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Symbiotic Period Montessori specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It will also explain the term used for external pregnancy, â€Å"exterogestation†which is considered to be during the nine months after birth. And finally, the symbiotic life, the relationship between the mother and the child in their separated environment, who each of them help each other, the importance of maternal food, (breast milk) and how this â€Å"natural act†will lead the way for establishing a long life relationship with the mother and the environment the child is introduced in. how the newborn experiences two births, a biological and a psychological one. And the importance of the fathers presence in the life of the child. â€Å"Conception and pregnancy constitute the first chapter of our personal history, a chapter that lasts around 280 days, in an environment totally different to that which we experience after birth. †(UHB. Pg. 2) Ever since the mother becomes aware of her pregnancy, a lot has been going on inside of her body, the developing fertilized egg has been traveling through the fallopian tube and into the uterus for about four days. (Dr. Salguero) Waiting to be implanted into the uterine walls, where the relationship with the mother will start, the egg will look for a special place inside the uterus and will let the mothers body know that its ready and will allow the placenta to start developing. This first phase of pregnancy is known as â€Å"zygotic period†. It will take eight to ten weeks for the zygote to become an embryo, and enter the â€Å"embryonic period†. And is until this period when all of the mental development starts. The child starts having â€Å"mental activity†which is described by Silvana Q. Montanaro as â€Å"any capacity to receive information, give answers, accumulate experiences and respond appropriately to them. †(UHB. pg3) And it is through this mental activity (information received) that the nervous system is developed. The nervous system is so important that develops fastest during pregnancy, which is why in ultrasounds the head is always as big or bigger as the rest of the body. Silvana explains the â€Å"Triune Brain Theory†by Paul Mclean, which demonstrate that all humans recapitulate the whole process of evolution in the brain. Humans first start with a reptilian brain, which provide the instinct of self preservation, a sense of individuality, the defense of territory and the need for privacy. The second phase of development of the human brain is known as the paleomammalian (limbic system), which relates to social consciousness, relationships, a sense of belonging, care for offspring, and compassion for companions. The third phase of development of the human brain is known as the neomammalian, which adds a refined sensory discrimination, attention to the external environment, rational thinking, and the ability to solve life’s problems in a creative way. UHB pg. 4-5) The mother’s womb is full of sensorial sensations and experiences that will allow the child to develop its senses. The childs brain develops rapidly, developing his sensory organs in this order: touch, smell, taste, hearing and sight. All of the senses are already being used during pregnancy. †¢The skin (touch), is completed a fter seven to eight weeks of pregnancy. Touching the mothers belly with a light pressure, will allow the child to feel that it is being awaited, and will allow the child to store positive feelings of acceptance and love. The sense of smell, is ready to function during the second month of pregnancy. It is substances from the mother, that get into the amniotic fluid which will establish In the childs olfactory memory. †¢The sense of taste, is ready to function by the third month of pregnancy, as well as the sense of smell, substances get into the amniotic fluid, and as the child swallows amounts of this fluid, will lead to recognize these difference in taste. Silvana mentions an example of Indian babies that can recognize the smell of curry when they are in the weaning process. These sensorial experiences are stored in their memories, and will help them accept some foods from their environment because they already know them. †¢The ear (hearing), it is completely developed in the fifth month of pregnancy. This sense is stimulated by internal and external experiences from the environment. â€Å"research done in Japan has shown that newborns whose mothers lived near Osaka airport during pregnancy were able, after birth, to sleep through the roar of airplanes while other newborns resented such disturbing sounds. (UHB pg. 8) †¢The eye (vision), is ready by the fourth month of pregnancy. The child can know the difference between night and day. In order to have a normal birth, both the mother and the child need to prepare for birth. The mother needs to acquire knowledge regarding what to expect, information about the baby and its special care and attention. Both need to prepare themselves with time, so that at the end of pregnancy the mother just has to sit unstressfully for the baby to arrive. The child start preparing his departure from the mother’s womb by the end of the seventh month. The child starts protecting his body from external viruses and microbes by accumulating antibodies from the mother. Also he starts absorbing extra iron, because he knows that the mother’s milk lacks iron needed for the production of red blood cells. The child rotates his body, locating his head towards the birth canal. And the baby starts accumulating fat under his skin, preparing his body for life in the external environment. (Dr. Salguero) The child inside the mother’s womb has established points of references, memories of experiences during pregnancy. Some of these memories are maternal such as the mothers heart beat and her voice. Other memories are fetal, which include touch of mouth and face, movements of the limbs and body. These memories allow the child to establish different centers on the brain that will allow him to orient and adapt to his new environment when he is born. Help him be aware that the only thing that has change is the environment. At the time of the birth, the mother and child need to stay together, after nine months together the fact of being out of the mother’s womb, does not mean that the child is ready for an independent life. The child needs a guide to adapt and establish his independence, this guidance is performed by the mother, and it is done in a period of nine months, and it is known as external pregnancy or â€Å"exterogestation†. In this external pregnancy, the womb environment related and often compared with the mother’s arms as a container that holds the baby and the mother’s breast as placenta and umbilical cord, that provide nutrients and food. The mother will guide the child to its development providing him with opportunities, an environment rich in stimuli, in order for the child to develop his intelligence through the use of his senses and constructing itself. The mother needs to be aware of the newborns needs, and be able to respect his necessities. The most important basic need of the child is to have direct contact with the mother. With this the child will be able to rediscover the points of reference of prenatal life, and to know that he is accepted and awaited. Also the childs â€Å"biological rhythms†need to be respected, the child needs to eat when hungry and sleep when sleepy. Another very important need of the child is order, order in which things are done, and consistency in the people surrounding him, since the child need to establish points of references for his new life and be able to pass from one environment to another without any trauma. Different care areas must be established before the introduction of this child to this environment so, at the time he is introduced to this environment, he knows what areas are for what and know what to expect. The child also needs unlimited space for unobstructed vision and movement, and to be allowed to explore his new environment with all his senses. This is possible with a low bed instead of a crib and a movement mat for his times when he is not sleeping. The symbiotic life lasts six to eight weeks, a relationship is established and both the mother and the child help each other to adapt. The mother provides the child with her special food (breast milk) and with her presence will allow the child to establish points of reference in order for him to adapt to his new environment (home). The child offers the mother reassurance that what left her body is not lost, just relocated, and by the child suckling the mother’s breast, helps the mother contract the uterus and shrink back to its normal size and position. (Dr. Salguero) The symbiotic life offers ways of being in contact with the child, in order to establish a special unique relationship between them. The newborn needs to feel the mother’s arms and the mother needs the newborn in her arms to compensate the sudden loss of what was in her abdomen. A close relationship with the mother will give an important feeling of security to both the mother and the child. How the mother holds the baby tells the child about her acceptance and her feelings towards him. How the mother feeds the baby implies a special relationship which is seen as they are back to be a single person. The connection between the mother and the child is so strong that the mother will only produce milk until the placenta is out (signifying that the baby has been born). It is very important for the mother to breast feed the child, as soon as the baby is born, since the first milk production is special and very nutritious kind of milk called colostrum, which is specially designed for the beginning of life. There are no fats in colostrums, just proteins and a low amount of carbohydrates, which will establish the functions of the digestive system of the baby. The mother also provides the child with antibodies through her breast milk, which will protect the child from the external environment. Natural attachment of the child to the nipple is very important, to ensure the freedom of choosing when to eat. â€Å"This is the fundamental characteristic of the relationship with food. It should always be offered with love and placed in front of, but never inside, a person. (UHB pg. 35) As well as the need of the mother’s collaboration, the father has to be present since the prenatal life; he needs to be present during pregnancy, supporting the mother, and learning from the mother’s experiences and acquiring information about pregnancy and the baby. They both need to be prepared. Both parents must attend to birth classes so that the father can assist the mother once she is in labor . Researchers have concluded that the father’s presence during birth, have a positive influence towards the mother. Pain is felt less intensely, and they are satisfied with this shared experience. (UHM pg. 53) Also, once the child and the mother are together, the father has to become a protective barrier of the symbiotic life. A prepared father knows the importance of the relationship the mother and the baby need. â€Å"Active presence of the father from the beginning can facilitate the childs natural evolution towards independence, since this can prevent too strong an attachment to the mother which can arise when she is the only source of human contact and pleasure. †(UHB pg. 6) This is why the father has to establish a relationship with the child, establish certain activities that will be done by and with the father. Such activities could be bathing, changing, playing, and later on eating. In conclusion, the symbiotic period is a period of time designated to allow the child have a positive transition from the environment where he was created to the environment where he will be spending t he rest of his life. â€Å"At the end of the symbiotic period, the child has acquired (absorbed) fundamental knowledge of the new environment that will always influence his vision of the world. If the vision is positive, the child will have a â€Å"basic trust†in the world and will think of it as a place where his needs can be fulfilled. †(UHB pg. 29) This period of time has to be given the all of the importance it deserves, because the childs future would be at risk. REFERENCES: †¢Silvana Quattrocchi Montanaro Understanding the Human Being: The importance of the First Three Years of Life, 6th edition (2007) †¢Dr. Mario Salguero Obstetrics Class Notes. (2010)
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