Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Ancient Chinese Chou Dynasty
The Chou or Zhou dynasty ruled China from about 1027 to about 221 B.C. It was the longest dynasty in Chinese history and the time when much of ancient Chinese culture developed. The Chou Dynasty followed the second Chinese dynasty, the Shang. Originally pastoralists, the Chou set up a (proto-)feudal social organization based on families with administrative bureaucracy. They also developed a middle class. Although a decentralized tribal system at the beginning, the Zhou became centralized over time. Iron was introduced and Confucianism developed. Also during this long era, Sun Tzu wrote The Art of War, in about 500 B.C. Chinese Philosophers and Religion During the Warring States period within the Chou dynasty, a class of scholars developed, whose members included the great Chinese philosopher Confucius. The Book of Changes was written during the Chou Dynasty. The philosopher Lao Tse was appointed librarian for the historical records of the Chou kings. This period is sometimes referred to as the One Hundred Schools Period. The Chou banned human sacrifice. They saw their success over the Shang as a mandate from heaven. Ancestor worship developed. The Start of the Chou Dynasty Wuwang (Warrior King) was the son of the leader of the Chou (Zhou), who were located on the western border of the Shangs China in what is now Shaanxi province. Wuwang formed a coalition with the leaders of other states to defeat the last, evil ruler of the Shang. They succeeded and Wuwang became the first king of the Chou dynasty (c.1046 to 43 B.C.). Division of the Chou Dynasty Conventionally, the Chou dynasty is divided into the Western or Royal Chou (c.1027 to 771 B.C.) and the Dong or Eastern Chou (c.770 to 221 B.C.) periods. The Dong Zhou itself is subdivided into the Spring and Autumn (Chunqiu) period (c.770 to 476 B.C.), which was named for a book supposedly by Confucius and when iron weapons and farm implements replaced bronze, and the Warring States (Zhanguo) period (c.475 to 221 B.C.). At the start of the Western Chou, the empire of the Chou extended from Shaanxi to the Shandong peninsula and the Beijing area. The first kings of the Chou dynasty gave land to friends and relatives. Like the two previous dynasties, there was a recognized leader who passed power to his descendants. The vassals walled cities, also passed down patriarchally, developed into kingdoms. By the end of the Western Chou, the central government had lost all but nominal power, such as was required for rituals. During the Warring States period, the aristocratic system of warfare changed: peasants fought; there were new weapons, including crossbows, chariots, and iron armor. Developments During the Chou Dynasty During the Chou dynasty in China, ox-drawn plows, iron and iron casting, horseback riding, coinage, multiplication tables, chopsticks, and the crossbow were introduced. Roads, canals, and major irrigation projects were developed. Legalism Legalism developed during the Warring States period. Legalism is a school of philosophy that provided the philosophical background for the first imperial dynasty, the Qin Dynasty. Legalism accepted that humans are flawed and asserted that political institutions should recognize this. Therefore the state should be authoritarian, demanding strict obedience to the leader, and meting out known rewards and punishments. Resources and Further Reading Paul Halsall on the Chinese DynastiesChinese History Zhou DynastyLegalism. (2009). In Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica. Retrieved March 25, 2009, from Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica Online:
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Communication Cycle Health and Social Care Essay - 1393 Words
P2 Theories of communication -The communication cycle Effective communication involves a two-way process in which each person tries to understand the viewpoint of the other person. According to Argyle, skilled interpersonal interaction (social skills) involves a cycle in which you have to translate or decode what other people are communicating and constantly adapt your own. Communication is a cycle because when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood. An example of good communication involves the process of checking understanding, using reflective or active listening. Argyles stages of the communication cycle were an idea occurs, message coded, message sent, message received, message†¦show more content†¦This is difficult because you need to understand what the pain is and what the source of the pain is so that you can resolve the pain and provide a diagnosis, so if they can’t describe the pain you are unable to do so. You can be asking simple questions which may help you understand what sort of pain they are suffering, also by feeling where they claim the problem is and you can see from their reaction if it is painful, but not inflicting too much pain upon them. Using the communication cycle effectively will help. M1 How communication cycle may be used to communicate sensitive issues. * Ideas occur: the nurse will start thinking on how communicate to the wife and that she is going to be the one to tell her. She will ask herself what could be the best way to communicate and when and where she needs to communicate about the husband’s condition. This promotes effective communication. * Message coded: the nurse has thought about the ideas and has organized her thoughts; she knows exactly what she is going to say. She has to think about the voice tonality she should use in order to prevent the wife thinking the nurse is not bothered about the loss. Body language plays an important role and could show that the nurse cares about the situation. The nurse will start thinking about the language she is going to use and ask herself what the wife already knows about itShow MoreRelatedStrategies and Working Practices Used to Minimise Abuse Essay887 Words  | 4 Pagesdifferent health and social care settings to minimise abuse. Looking at different characteristics of abuse is the fundamental part in trying to minimise abuse. 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Communication is a two way process which two individuals participate in in-order to understand the view point and ideas of each other. â€Å"Communication is a cycle because when two people communicate they need to check that their ideas have been understood†. (Health and Social Care L3 book 1, page 18) This process however doesn’t always go accordingly, which then leads to barriers arising. Interpersonal interaction is theRead MoreCommunication Cycle1446 Words  | 6 Pagesrole of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in a health and social care context. M1 Group communication In groups’ communication there are different people, some of them may like to talk a lot or be shy to talk. To make a group communication working everyone needs to be involved, and have some rules such a as when someone is talking no one is talking and everyone should listen to each other and have their own opinion or point of view. In heath and Soccial care setting group communication
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Taxation in the United Kingdom Free Essays
Criteria of differentiate employment and self-employment Laid down some factors and tests by the courts, over the years, which are relevant may be useful to determine the nature of a contract. Right of Control The engaged has a right to control the employee but it is not necessarily must be used in practice. This kind of control usually used by engaged to control when and/or were the employee perform his/her services, how it is perform, and what tasks has to be performed but in some kind of work (where employee is an expert) this control will not be important. We will write a custom essay sample on Taxation in the United Kingdom or any similar topic only for you Order Now Under the self- employment the person who perform the work is usually free to choose when and where to do so. Financial Risk The main distinction in financial risk between employee and self-employment person is that the second one is ready to risk own money by buying a materials needed to perform the work, and also paying for overheads and bearing the running costs. The employed person not bear any expenses related to the conduct of economic activity. If any of additional cost in case of job overruns will be required the self-employed person must bear them on win risk. Equipment In this situation self-employed person might have to buy assets and equipment to perform particular job which has to be done. The employee is getting everything under the contract. Work performance and correction Also the engaged will be expected from the employee certain hours of work performed daily or weekly, and at the engaged premises, but it is possible to make an agreement between them to work flexible hour at the places accepted by both sides. If any correction will be required for the work done, self-employed person has to make that correction with no additional payment ND in own time, but employed person is still able to make that correction within the work time. Holidays and sickness The employee has a right to go for a holiday or take a sickness with no threat that that time won’t be paid (paid leave), the same situation for self-employed means that these days will be unpaid. Exclusivity That means the employee is hired by one only employer, and he/she is an integral part of the business. In self employment the person has usually more than one client and the person is not integral part of client business. 3. Concussions According to above tests and factors, which were applied to the case study, inclusions arises that Kathy should be treated by HOME as an employee rather than self employed. UK income TAX In I. J tax system we can define certain kind taxes into groups: direct taxes and indirect taxes. A. Direct taxes are charged on income, profits and we can to enumerate most important: income tax, capital gains tax, inheritance and corporation tax. B. Indirect taxes, e. G. VAT are charged Of spending and it is added to the price of the product or service bought. 1 Taxable person Individuals who are resident in the UK for a tax year are generally charged to income tax on all their income for the year. There are two exceptions to this general rule: A. Some forms of income are exempt from income tax B. UK residents whose home is not permanently in the UK to the extent that the income is remitted to the ASK. 4. Tax year Tax year for individuals also might be referred to as fiscal years or years of assessments and it runs from 6 April to the following 5 April. Any changes to the tax system are usually take a n effect from the start of next tax year. They are proposed in the annual Budget speech. 5. Self assessment Self assessment effects those who get sent a tax return or request a tax turn and particular it applies to the following groups of people: self employed, business partners, company directors, employee or pensioner with complied tax affairs, trustees. Individual’s liability for a tax year must be assessed if there is not possible to collect full liability for a tax year deducted at source or PAYEE system. In this situation that person at first must complete ‘self assessment tax return’. Taxpayer has to complete tax return and the amount of tax due and may be calculated by him/her and then check by HOME, or this calculation might be made by HOME if taxpayer prefer to do so. Self assessment tax return has a 6 pages basic document and might be added supplementary pages if needed for purposes of tax payer. There is a available shorter tax return documents which have got 4 pages and it contains simpler tax affairs. There is also a possibility to file tax return electronically by the HOME website. Tax return filling and summation dates are as follows: A. For paper returns – 31 October following the end of the tax year B. For electronically returns – 31 January following the end of the tax year It has to complete in full and taxpayer cannot omit any figures. 6. Payment dates First payment on accounts (POP) must be made by 31 January of the tax year. Second payment On accounts has to be made by 31 July next following tax year and final balancing payment or refund is made by 31 January. This is also first payment on accounts of the following tax year. 7. Procedures involved in application of surcharges, interests and penalties PENALTIES – TAX RETURN A. Penalties for late submission of tax return depends from length of being late and they are as follows: 1 day late El 00 and applies even when the tax own has been pair or there is no tax to pay 3 months late or each of the following day is E 10, up to 90 days Max IEEE 6 months late whichever will be higher IEEE or 5% of the amount due 12 months late whichever will be higher DEED or 5% of the amount due. When it is serious case the tax payer might rise up to 100% of amount due instead If any of documents submitted to HOME by a taxpayer leads to understatement of the amount tax due and it is because of careless or deliberate then single penalty applies. This is expressed as a percentage of potential lost revenue as follows: A. 100% if inaccuracy is ‘concealed and deliberate’ B. 70% in case that inaccuracy was ‘deliberate but not concealed ‘ C. In all other cases the percentage is 30%, also 30% if person liable to notify HOME Of under-assessment has failed to do so. How to cite Taxation in the United Kingdom, Papers
Monday, May 4, 2020
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Ministers Black Veil Essay Example For Students
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Ministers Black Veil Essay In Nathaniel Hawthornes The Ministers Black Veil, the author chooses to mask the character of the minister with the black veil to construct an allegory that would compare sin concocted by imagination with unrecognized sin of ones self. With the story being set in the Puritan time period of the settlement of New England, as nearly all of Hawthornes stories are, the reader can logically infer a certain set of value judgements. For instance, these people, being very sincere about their religion, are likely to see anything out of the ordinary, such as a black-veiled minister, as a serious issue that undermines their faith. On the surface the first sight of the veil not only confuses the congregation, but scares them as well. This man is supposed to be their most direct mode of communication with God, and to see him in what they perceive to be quite a bizarre condition, must make them feel that their religious lives may be in danger. Yet another character trait held by this community is its inability to cope with even the slightest bit of change. Something as trivial as a man covering his face with black crape paper literally whips this community into a frenzy. I dont like it(p.102), cried the old woman, Our parson has gone mad(102), cried Goodman Gary. Without even the slightest bit of investigation into the issue these people have brewed in their imaginations all sorts of theories as to what is so wrong with the minister. A third, and possibly most dangerous trait of the community, is its almost joyous inclination toward superstition. Whether you would like to call it Puritan myth or strait fact, this obsession with witchcraft and the supernatural is what made Puritan New England a dangerous place to live in the 17th century. This idea of the occult always seems to find its way into a Hawthorne story, and The Ministers Black Veil is no exception. Even the good doctor cannot help but mention, the black veil, though it covers only our pastors face, throws its influence over his whole person, and makes him ghostlike from head to foot.(p.105). The true allegory arises from these beliefs of the community, but does not wholly manifest it self until seen from the ministers point of view. Though he may contend that the veil personifies sorrows dark enough to be typified by a black veil.(p.109), it is possible to infer that the veil is actually somewhat of an experiment by the minister. On the surface he may e xplain its meaning by some undefinable scruples he may hold, but underneath it represents a test of the community. By donning the black veil the minister realizes his fear that the people of his community are more obsessed with a sin they are sure the minister is hiding from, then their own sins that they live in everyday. Even his fellow man of the cloth Reverend Clark believes the minister must have some horrible crime upon his soul(p.113). Not a single person realizes the intent of the minister until his deathbed utterance that defiles the virtue of the community. Proof positive of this realization of their fault is the fact that while the minister was alive these people couldnt wait to remove the black veil, but once he is dead, unable to stop them from unmasking him, the veil follows him to his grave. Perhaps it is reverence toward the painful truth revealed by the minister that keeps the veil on his face, but more likely it is simply left on in the rush to bury the man who bro ught to light such a less than virtuous shortcoming. .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a , .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .postImageUrl , .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a , .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:hover , .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:visited , .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:active { border:0!important; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:active , .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uffe409dfb92c41e9b653bc9555a7b18a:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Enders GAme EssayLike so many of Hawthornes stories, the Ministers Black Veil personifies the fallible nature of a people so dedicated to living a life free of sin, when in fact they are simply ignoring the vices that rest under their own pillows. 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